5 Most Strategic Ways To Accelerate Your Interlinking Of Indian Rivers Challenges And Prospects

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Finally, in 2002 the Government of India declared a substantial plan for an IBWT program involving 30 links of different river basins of peninsular and the Himalayan parts of India [9]. ƒ Does the concept of “basin as a natural hydrologic unit for planning and management of water” need to be modified in view of the national objectives related to equity and the possibilities of inter-basin integration. D. 9 He was concerned about the severe shortages of water in the South and repetitive flooding in the North every year. Out of which, 4046 MCM water can be diverted to Godavari river. L.

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The flood-drought-flood syndrome in India, occurring almost regularly, is causing disaster to the nation. by IWRS and WRDIC, Oct. Bhakra basin system provides irrigation to my review here 26. The uncertainty of start date of monsoons, sometimes marked by prolonged dry spells and fluctuations in seasonal and annual rainfall is a serious problem for the country. (2003) “In Whose Interest Is This Disastrous River Linking Scheme” (English translation of the title written in Bengali) pub.
This component will irrigate an additional 25 million hectares by surface waters, 10 million hectares by increased use of ground waters and generate hydro power, apart from benefits of improved flood control and regional navigation.

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Tagus-Segura transfer project, SpainThis project was completed in 1978 that connects four river basins Tagus, Jucar, Segura and Guadiana, to irrigate 1. It is a multipurpose project built on Godavari river in the state of Andhra Pradesh. In the states Haryana, parts of Gujarat, Punjab, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu agricultural acreage which required irrigation during the kharif. 520 million in 1953, have gone up to Rs.

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30 lakh hectares by transferring 1330 MCM of water from Par, Auranga, Ambika and Purna rivers to water short north Gujarat Kutch region besides enroute irrigation and hydropower generation 21MW. Proposed by Dr.
India has a growing population, and large impoverished rural population that relies on monsoon-irrigated agriculture. Brief introduction to this section that descibes Open Access especially from an IntechOpen perspectiveWant to get in touch? Contact our London head office or media team hereOur team is growing all the time, so we’re always on the lookout for smart people who want to help us reshape the world of scientific publishing. K. In respect of climate change there is a possibility of change in rainfall pattern.

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Acute scarcity of water supply will arise after 2025 unless we control the growth of population and demand. Irrigation to the tune of 1. Under Phase II, some rivers that flow west to the north of Mumbai and the south of Tapi would be inter-linked. Government navigate here Odisha has proposed a dam at Barmul 14km upstream of Manibhadra village on Mahanadi river.
Himalayan Rivers Development envisages construction of storage reservoirs on the main Ganga and the Brahmaputra and their principal tributaries in India and Nepal along with inter-linking canal system to transfer surplus flows of the eastern tributaries of the Ganga to the West apart from linking of the main Brahmaputra with the Ganga.

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In a 2007 article7 the authors claim inter-linking of rivers to initially appear to be a costly proposition in ecological, geological, hydrological and economical terms, but in the long run the net benefits coming from it will far outweigh these costs or losses. citation needed
Kalpasar Project is an irrigation project which envisages storing Narmada River water in an off-shore fresh water reservoir located in Gulf of Khambhat sea for further pumping to arid Sourashtra region for irrigation use. 5 This amount of water is adequate for irrigating 140 million hectares. The two such proposals which attracted considerable attention put forth in the 1970s were:In 1972, Dr. 0 License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Dry weather flow augmentation due to transfer of surplus water through successive exchange of river water will help in pollution control, navigation, fisheries, growth of forests, protection of wild life etc. The project is set to cost nearly $80 billion and has necessitated the relocation of 330,000 people. .